-------------------------------------------------------- README for the UltraSound Plug & Play December l995 -------------------------------------------------------- *************************************************************************** It is highly recommended that you read through this readme file and follow the given advice in order to take full advantage of your UltraSound Plug & Play sound card. If you have further problems regarding game settings, please refer to our Games Help (games.txt) for more detailed advice. You may find it more handy if you can print this readme file and games help file out and refer to them whenever you want advice in configuring your UltraSound Plug & Play card or setting up your games. If you are in the middle of the installation process, you can proceed by closing this readme by clicking on the "X" box at the top right hand corner of this window. A similar version of this readme file is also available on both Win '95 and DOS setup disks. *************************************************************************** Before installing your UltraSound Plug & Play --------------------------------------------- You must remove any Windows 3.x drivers from you previous sound card before installing your UltraSound Plug & Play card. This includes any Windows 3.x drivers that you are using within Windows 95. The UltraSound Plug & Play will not be set up correctly if these drivers are not removed. Rebooting During Setup in Windows 95 ------------------------------------ It is possible that Windows 95 may ask you to reboot your computer during the setup. We recommend that when asked to reboot, you press No. Our setup program, when finished, will reboot your machine. Joystick Driver (Windows 95) ---------------------------- When installing your UltraSound Plug & Play, Windows 95 may prompt you for a Joystick Driver. Choose the "Default Windows 95 Driver" option. It may then ask you for your Microsoft Windows '95 CD. Cakewalk Express ---------------- After installing Cakewalk, you will be asked which MIDI devices you wish to use for MIDI IN and OUT when you run it for the first time. For your MIDI IN device select "UltraSound MIDI IN Port" and for your MIDI OUT device choose "MIDI MAPPER". Recording from Microphone ------------------------- To reduce background noise, the MIC input is muted by default. To enable the MIC input, simply load up the UltraSound Mixer applet and un-mute the MIC. CompuServe Information Service ------------------------------ To access the Internet through CompuServe you will need to first install WINCIM from the included CD-ROM. This will take you through the necessary sign up procedures either as a new user or as someone with an existing account. Remember there is a free one month introductory membership included with 10 free hours of Internet access. Once WINCIM has been installed you can then install the Internet Web Browser found in "Netlauncher". This is also located on the CD-ROM. You will be up and running, ready to surf the net. We have also included some other great Internet utilities including Real Audio and Internet Phone. Real Audio allows you to listen to live or pre-recorded audio broadcasts over the Internet. Check out their Web page at WWW.REALAUDIO.COM. Internet Phone was the first to bring us real time telephone style conversations over the Internet. They also have a Web page at WWW.VOCALTEC.COM. Enjoy your surfing. EMM386.EXE ---------- We are providing a Microsoft authorized update for the EMM386.EXE file. This update includes a fix that will assist our Sound Blaster Emulator (IWSBOS) driver to work more effectively. UltraSound Compatibility ------------------------ Our setup program will set your card up to support UltraSound supported applications. In order to be UltraSound compatible, you must have the followings: 1) at least 512k RAM on-board. (Pro versions have 512k RAM already installed) 2) installed UltraSound RAM support from the CD-ROM. PREPGAME.EXE ------------ This program, when run, has many features: 1) It will fix problems with EPIC MEGAGAMES games and UltraSound compatibility (Pro version only). 2) It will give the user Native (Direct) UltraSound support for the UltraSound Plug & Play card from games that use the HMI sound drivers. 3) It will automatically fix problems with the Pharlap extender. 4) It will automatically update version 1.92 of DOS4GW to version 1.97. 5) It will automatically update the sound drivers for IndyCar. 6) It will automatically update the sound drivers for Origin games so that they will work with IWSBOS. We have provided 3 Epic Megagames games on our CD and you must run this program before running the game as an UltraSound for the first time. Please note that this is for users with the Pro version only. HMI drivers can be identified by having the following three files: Hmidet.386 Hmidrv.386 Hmimdrv.386 Prepgame should be run before playing any games that you install on your computer. You must run prepgame in the directory where the above files exist for prepgame to make the necessary changes. Sound Blaster Emulation in Windows 95 DOS Box --------------------------------------------- GUS Prompt will set up your UltraSound Plug & Play card with the same settings as your Windows 95 environment. This will alleviate any problems with running the same game from within Windows 95 or from MS-DOS Mode. SETULTRA.EXE ------------ This program works with Windows 95. It ensures that your UltraSound Plug & Play card has the same settings in MS-DOS Mode as it does in Windows 95. This will alleviate any problems with running games is MS-DOS Mode. This program is called automatically upon startup of Windows 95. IWSBOS ------ This program is a Sound Blaster emulation driver. To enable the UltraSound Plug & Play's Sound Blaster emulation, you must run IWSBOS before running a game. You will also need to run IWSBOS before running the sound setup for the game. In the sound setup, select the following settings: General MIDI music or Sound Blaster music and Sound Blaster digital. MEGAEM -------- This program is also a Sound Blaster emulation driver. If IWSBOS (refer to section on IWSBOS) does not work with a game, use MEGAEM to enable the UltraSound Plug & Play's Sound Blaster emulation. MEGAEM must be run before running the game. You will also need to run MEGAEM before running the sound setup for the game. In the sound setup, select the following settings: General MIDI music and Sound Blaster digital. If the General MIDI music setting does not work, select Sound Blaster music. Sound for games (UltraSound Plug & Play Pro Version) ---------------------------------------------------- Before running games with your UltraSound Plug & Play Pro: 1) Run prepgame.exe from your game directory. (refer to PREPGAME.EXE section) 2) Use GUS Prompt if you want to run the game from a Windows 95 DOS box. 3) If the game's list of supported sound cards includes UltraSound, select it and play the game 4) If the game's list of supported sound cards does not include UltraSound, run IWSBOS. (refer to section on IWSBOS) 5) If IWSBOS does not work, run MEGAEM (refer to section on MEGAEM) Note: Unless your card has RAM installed and RAM support is installed from the CD, you will hear no sound if you set up your UltraSound Plug & Play as an UltraSound. Sound for games (UltraSound Plug & Play) ---------------------------------------- Before running games with your UltraSound Plug & Play: 1) Run prepgame.exe from your game directory. (refer to PREPGAME.EXE section) 2) Use GUS Prompt if you want to run the game from a Windows 95 DOS box. 3) Run IWSBOS. (refer to section on IWSBOS) 4) If IWSBOS does not work, run MEGAEM (refer to section on MEGAEM) EPIC Pinball ------------ IWSBOS (Sound Blaster emulation driver) does not work with EPIC Pinball. Please use MEGAEM to enable the UltraSound Plug & Play's Sound Blaster emulation (refer to MEGAEM section). As well, remember to run prepgame.exe before running the game (refer to Sound for Games section). IWINIT Not Detecting my Sound Card ---------------------------------- Due to the nature of Plug and Play devices, IWINIT may not properly initialize your sound card in DOS. If this occurs, you will see a message stating that "Interwave Card Not Found". This usually occurs when exiting into MS-DOS mode from Windows 95. If this happens, simply run IWINIT once or twice more until the card is initialized. DDLOAD.COM ---------- DDload.com is a program to use in the dosstart.bat file for loading your CD-ROM device driver. This will allow you to use your CD-ROM drive when restarting in MS-DOS mode from Windows '95. Usage: In Dosstart.bat DDLOAD C:\CDROM\MTMCDAI.SYS /D:MITS /P:170,15 ^ The CD-ROM Device Driver for the cdrom Be sure not to load your device driver for your cdrom in config.sys for the Windows '95 boot up. This will not allow Windows '95 to manipulate the settings for the CD-ROM in Windows '95.(Plug and play) Also make sure these settings for the cdrom are also set properly in the Ultrasound Plug & Play's Iw.ini file in the setup 0 section. (see * below) Iw.ini [setup 0] revision=B0 csn=1d pnprdp=21b GPusage=IRQ UseDma=true SynthBase=220 CodecBase=32c DMA1=5 DMA2=7 IRQ1=11 IRQ2=11 CDBase=170 * CDIRQ=15 * CDDMA=4 ATAPIBase=376 * AdLibBase=388 SBIRQ=5 MpuBase=330 MPUIRQ=9 GamePort=201 config=0 vendor_id=GRV0001 CDINIT.SYS ---------- Usage of this program is for Windows95 config.sys file. This will facilitate the operation of a IDE CD-ROM interfaced to the IDE CD-ROM port on the Ultrasound Plug & Play card if your CD-ROM device driver has to be loaded before Windows 95. * Note * The Ultrasound Plug & Play card must be in plug and play mode. The jumper must be off. Usage: CDINIT.SYS /Pxxx /Axxx /Ixx /Pxxx is the Base port address for the CD-ROM. Ie 170 /Axxx is the ATAPI port address for the CD-ROM. Ie 376 /Ixx is the Interupt for the CD-ROM. Ie 15 The line should look something like this in the config.sys file: DEVICE=C:\CDROM\CDINIT.SYS /P170 /A376 /I15 ^ CDROM being the directory where the file is located. /Pxxx Valid base port addresses are 168,170,1E8 /Axxx Valid ATAPI port addresses are 36E,376,3EE /Ixx Valid Interupts are 10,11,12,15 These setting can be found in Windows '95 Device Manager settings for the IDE CD-ROM . They are listed in the order of IRQ,Baseport,ADAPI Baseport. The CD-ROM Device Driver file must also reflect the exact same settings. Check the manual for your CD-ROM for exact information on the Device Driver line specifications. DEVICE=C:\CDROM\MTMCDAI.SYS /D:MITS /P:170,15 ^ CDROM being the directory where the file is located. For a Mitsumi CD-ROM the /P:xxx is the base port address of the CD-ROM. And the ,xx is the Interupt for the CD-ROM. Make sure that the CDINIT.SYS line is before the CD-ROM Device Driver line in the config.sys file. CONFIG.SYS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE RAM 1024 DEVICE=C:\CDROM\CDINIT.SYS /P170 /A376 /I15 REM DEVICEHIGH=C:\CDROM\MTMCDAI.SYS /D:MITS /P:170,15 DOS=HIGH,UMB SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:512 /P AUTOEXEC.BAT @ECHO OFF PROMPT $p$g PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\DOS SET TEMP=C:\TEMP rem - By Windows Setup - LH /L:1 C:\MOUSE\MOUSE.COM rem - By Windows Setup - LH /L:1 C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND\MSCDEX.EXE /D:MITS /M:12